Our Environment- Our ‘Common’ Future

Once passing through the desert state of India- Rajasthan, I noticed something worth telling. I saw a water park. You will be surprised that how come a water park is so worthy. In fact, I saw that a good gentry was playing and enjoying in a rich pool of water and beating the summer heat. When I just crossed only the boundary walls of that water park, I saw the animals fighting with the draught and even plants on the verge of dryness because of water shortage. Isn’t it something worth telling? Now your point of view may vary depending on the fact that whether you are an insider or an outsider. But the fact is that we all choose to remain ignorant until the time we ourselves actually encounter this situation.

5th June of each year is marked as World Environment Day by UN to raise awareness and create conscious among people over the environmental cause. But, is it merely a single day cause? It is an established fact and fundamental which we cannot afford to ignore ever, even a single day and even if we do ignore, we won’t be able to do so for longer.

Just recall any moment of your life when you had suffocated or just revisit the day when finding the drinking water was quite challenging for you for some time- you will realize the importance of them once again. You might have seen women carrying earthen pot on their head to meet the water needs of their family. Or maybe you might have seen an asthmatic patient struggling to breath-in little oxygen. In both of these situations, the person is not enjoying the basic fundamental as much easier as the rest of us may be enjoying or I can say exploiting.

It is the human tendency that we do not value a thing till the time it is available and start crying for the same once it is gone. Our nature has gifted us the most basic things in life- Air, Water, Earth, Plants, Birds, Rain etc. for free of cost. Perhaps that’s the reason that we, in spite of knowing their importance, continue to remain ignorant and handle them very loosely. Whether- it is about the wasting of water, polluting the air/water/earth, using plastic in numerous forms, cutting down trees, killing animals and whatnot; we are degrading our environment continuously.

On this special day- we saw a volume of related messages floating and pressing for the environmental demand. Yes, they help because they feed our unconscious mind and generate a sense of responsibility in us. People talk about-less plastic use, planting trees, recycling of the waste, adoption of the traditional practices to beat the heat. But meanwhile, taking action is utmost importance. Start from your own home. Teach your kids the value of the environment and create examples for them by doing the cause. Talk about this issue as we talk about any other gossip and let’s arrive at a conscious that do a little contribution from our own side because each drop has a value.


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